Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why "Counting to Potato"?

Counting to Potato started with a shitty meme, but in Fweddit it takes on a completely different meaning.

My relationship with potato began when I joined Fweddit and went on my first roam with them. We were flying around some system, I forget where, and the FC called for a count to potato. As I had just joined, I was not aware of what this laughable call to action meant and sat in amazement as I saw local chat rapidly fill with our fleet typing out numbers in ascending order. All this while the local list of the system we were in was mainly pulsing orange with hostiles and a bit of purple from the fleet intermingled between all the names.

See, this game is used to work the enemy into a frenzy, causing them to either undock from their station or come join us for a nice brawl. It is a fun game with simple rules, wherein you have to count from one to one-hundred by typing the whole word out without misspelling anything. One misspelling will force you to start over, but successfully completing the count will award you with a medal from the corporation and bragging rights until the end of time.

While the game is where I lifted the name of this blog from, it is more the idea of it that made me chose to use it. The sheer lunacy of having the fleet members counting in local while waiting for an enemy fleet to land on us was a good reminder of why we play this game, and why community is such an integral part of it. Yes, we are serious fighters, miners or whatever, but in the end we all want to log in to have fun and sometimes all it takes is counting from one to one-hundred.



  1. I still need to do that. I like medals.

    1. I should actually try instead of messing up at twenty -something and then spamming #potato instead.

  2. Okay kids. Time to play "Good! No Good!"

    forty (Good!)

    fourty (No Good!)

    Counting is hard. Don't cost a fellow chickun a chance at space medals.

  3. needs more boobs.. I'm just saying.
