Friday, December 7, 2012

Glorious Return

Funny how all it takes is a taste of something to get totally hooked again.

I'm not going to lie. After a long break from MMO games all together I once again found myself faced with the release of a very popular MMO and its shiny new expansion. Wrapped up in the hype and rekindling some old friendships from days gone by, I bought in and reactivated my WoW account.

I would be lying if I said it wasn't fun, but it was more fun just to hang out and bs with old friends in Vent. After leveling up to max level and starting the grind for rep and epics, I started to realize that I just couldn't dedicate time to what I found most fun in that game, which is the end game content. I wanted to, but with real life and timing, it just seemed impossible for me to carry on. After 3 months I gave up, and slowly stopped logging on while still paying my subscription.

Right about that time CCP was running a deal on Steam. $5 USD got you a new account and a month of game time. This was essentially filling the needle, putting it into my arm and pushing the plunger for me. Within two days I had reactivated my main and was back in.

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